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5/17/24 10:32 PM
I'll have to look. There are some bases on the site that aren't currently available. There's some that I have the file for but haven't gotten a new render made for them to be posted. So let me check on that.

5/17/24 1:30 AM
i do happen to have a beard motorsports base but it isnt very good. i made it in 2019 when i didnt have much talent when it came to painting cars. but i could sharpen it up and get it to you

5/15/24 9:49 PM
Hi there Murray, is there any chance that the Beard Motorsports 2020 base for MENCup19 has been recovered?

5/15/24 1:05 PM
If it's the 2019 base then it's listed on here. Click on the MENCup19 menu above and choose Real Bases. Look on the top right and you should see a link for the 2019 bases. Click on it and you should see it in the listings.

5/15/24 5:21 AM
Hey Murray, do you still happen to have your Starcom Fiber base for MENCup19?

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